"Image of two teenagers hiking together in a scenic mountain setting, symbolizing the journey of self-discovery and purpose. The background features lush greenery and rolling hills, evoking a sense of exploration. The overlay text reads 'Guiding Your Teen to Their True Calling,' with the DNA True North logo in the corner, representing a focus on finding direction and purpose in life."

Teenagers struggling to find direction

September 05, 20243 min read

Guiding Your Teenager to a Future of Hope and Purpose

As a parent, seeing your teenager struggle with feelings of worthlessness or uncertainty about their future can be heartbreaking. It’s easy to feel helpless, but know this: your love and guidance can make all the difference. Even when it seems like they’ve lost their way, there is hope. Every teen has a unique calling, and with patience, understanding, and encouragement, you can help your child rediscover their sense of worth and find direction in life. Here are four ways you can guide your teenager back to a path of hope and purpose.

1. Speak Life into Their Potential

Your words hold incredible power. In Proverbs 18:21, it says, "The tongue has the power of life and death," and this is especially true when speaking to your teen. Remind them daily that they are valuable, capable, and loved—both by you and by God. Even when they doubt themselves, you have the opportunity to plant seeds of hope through your encouragement. Acknowledge their strengths, even the small ones, and help them see the potential they carry within. Whether it's their creativity, their problem-solving skills, or their compassion for others, remind them that these qualities are gifts that can make a difference in the world.

2. Create a Safe Space for Open Conversations

One of the most effective ways to help your teen is by creating a safe space for them to express their feelings without judgment. Adolescents often struggle in silence, convinced that no one understands their pain or confusion. Make it clear that they can come to you with anything—whether it's their worries, fears, or even dreams. Listen more than you speak, and validate their emotions, even if you don't fully understand them. When they feel heard and supported, they'll be more willing to open up about their struggles, and this openness can become the foundation for their healing and growth.

3. Help Them Discover Their Unique Purpose

A teenager who feels lost or without direction often hasn’t yet discovered their unique calling. Every person was created with a purpose, and part of your role as a parent is to help them uncover it. Encourage your teen to explore different interests and passions, even if they seem unsure. Whether it's through volunteering, exploring creative outlets, or participating in extracurricular activities, guide them toward experiences that ignite their curiosity and joy. Remind them that finding their purpose is a journey, not a race, and it’s okay if they don’t have all the answers yet.

4. Model Resilience and Faith

Teens are often deeply influenced by what they see in their parents. If they witness you navigating life’s challenges with resilience and faith, they will be more likely to adopt the same mindset. Share your own experiences of overcoming hardship and finding strength in your faith. Let them see that setbacks are not the end of the story but are opportunities for growth. If your teenager knows that there is hope even in the darkest moments and that God has a plan for their life (Jeremiah 29:11), they will be better equipped to face their own struggles with confidence and courage.

Closing Thoughts: There is Hope for Your Teen’s Future

It’s natural to worry when your teenager is struggling, but know that this season is not the final chapter of their story. With your love, guidance, and a foundation of faith, they can emerge from this time stronger, more self-assured, and with a clearer sense of purpose. Your teen is not alone—and neither are you. Keep speaking life, creating safe spaces, encouraging exploration, and modeling resilience. Trust that, in time, they will rediscover their worth and step into the future with hope.

At DNA True North our only focus is to help you and your teenager to navigate this often difficult path and process. Because I beleive that both parent and teenager can in every season of their life, be sure about their purpose.


"Corne Roux, a certified life coach at DNA True North, specializes in helping individuals discover their purpose and achieve personal fulfillment. With a passion for guiding clients towards meaningful and satisfying lives, Corne offers expert insights and personalized strategies for personal growth and success."

Corné Roux

"Corne Roux, a certified life coach at DNA True North, specializes in helping individuals discover their purpose and achieve personal fulfillment. With a passion for guiding clients towards meaningful and satisfying lives, Corne offers expert insights and personalized strategies for personal growth and success."

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